How to Make your Brand Stand Out in a Colorful Way

It’s officially autumn and the October air is whirling outside. The taste of pumpkin spice lattes are strong, the smoky scent of the first fire of the season burns through the night, and the leaves are finally starting to turn. You can envision it all now, a warm scene of hot pink and electric blue.

Wait… what??

Color is important. Color is telling. Whether we recognize it or not, a certain color scheme gives off a specific vibe and sets the mood of whatever you’re creating. Whether it’s choosing paint colors for your living room or selecting a nail polish for your manicure at the salon, it’s important to get it right. In those moments, you decide how you want to be viewed. You need to do the same when selecting colors for your brand.

Picking the right colors will help establish your brand’s personality before a client even steps foot in your spa. But you can’t just go picking colors on the fly because you happen to like them, they have to make sense! As a business owner, you need to learn to think not only subjectively, but also strategically.

Consumers subconsciously make purchases based on color schemes that are connected to specific brands, and whether those brands resonate with them, colors included. Each color has meaning and aligns with specific ‘traits.’ For example, brown suggests ruggedness; purple, spirituality; and red, excitement. When choosing a color scheme it’s equally important to choose your brand’s ‘traits’ as well as emphasize the personality you want to portray.

An organic skincare day spa shouldn’t pick harsh colors like red and black. Instead, shades of green and tan would be a better option to give off an earthy vibe and to send a visually strong message. Take a look at the attached color breakdown below. What do your brand’s colors mean? Is this the message that you want to deliver?

Remember, you have about four to six seconds to make an impression. What do you want to say?


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